\documentclass{eurocg11} % The packages graphicx, amssymb, and amsmath are already loaded via % eurocg11.cls %----------------------- Macros and Definitions -------------------------- % Add all additional macros here, do NOT include any additional files. % The environments theorem (Theorem), invar (Invariant), lemma (Lemma), % cor (Corollary), obs (Observation), conj (Conjecture), prop % (Proposition), defini (Definition), and proof (Proof) are already defined % in the eurocg11.cls file. Add additional environments only if you REALLY % need them. %----------------------- Title ------------------------------------------- \title{An Example Contribution for EuroCG'11} \author{Sylvia Example\thanks{Department of Computer Science, Important University, {\tt sexample@cs.important.at}} \and Anton Veryknown\thanks{Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Somewhere, {\tt averyknown@math.somewhere.es}}} %------------------------------ Text ------------------------------------- \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} Here you should add a concise and exiting abstract for your paper. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} Well, the usual \ldots\ and also some citations, see~\cite{g-atpwog-2006} \ldots\ Large parts of this document are stolen (with permission) from~\cite{s-eef-2008}. \begin{conj} Could it really be like this? \end{conj} \begin{obs} Probably not \ldots\ \end{obs} \begin{defini} Some things are just not definable \ldots\ \end{defini} \begin{theorem} This is the most important theorem. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} It even comes with a proof \ldots\ \end{proof} \begin{lemma} And then we also found this lemma \ldots\ \end{lemma} There should be some more text explaining research results in some additional sections, but since this is only an example file \ldots\ on the other hand \ldots\ well, no! But some figures with illustrative examples would not hurt, either \ldots\ \section{Conclusion} What we did is amazing and improves everything that was there before. \section*{Acknowledgments} {\small We thank the organizers for the tasty chocolate. \ldots\ } %---------------------------- Bibliography ------------------------------- % Please add the contents of the .bbl file \small \bibliographystyle{abbrv} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{g-atpwog-2006} D.~Grace of Florence. \newblock {\em All Theories Proven With One Graph.} \newblock The Journal of Irreproducible Results, 2006, California, USA. \bibitem{s-eef-2008} B.~Speckmann. \newblock {\em EuroCG2008 example file.} \newblock http://eurocg08.loria.fr/EuroCG08Exemple.tex, 2008. \end{thebibliography} \end{document}